How would you feel if you were able to manage your power needs on your own setup? Solar energy makes you power-independent in your home via the installation of a home solar system. Further, if it is a net-metered solution, benefits multiply. What could be better than exchanging the excess production after the sun has set for the equivalent units from the grid during off-peak hours? Want to learn more? Read this article thoroughly.
Get Net Metered Solar System in your Home
The whole procedure is mentioned below.
Installation of a Solar System at Home
Installing a solar system that is net metering compliant is the first and most crucial step. In Pakistan, net metering is done through the permissions and procedures as outlined by the national electricity provider NEPRA (National Electric Power Regulatory Authority) and relevant distribution companies, also known as DISCOs.
Preparation of Application
Our expert team at Zero Carbon works with our clients to prepare applications in accordance with the guidelines of the NEPRA at their respective distribution companies.
Furthermore, the distribution company notifies about receiving the application and its status, whether it is complete or any information is required within the next five (5) working days.
In case the application needs any document annexure or information is incomplete. He will be given a period of the next seven days’ notice in writing to submit as per requirement for further procedures.
Initial Review
After the distribution office receives a complete application from the applicant side, it is anticipated that the representatives from the relevant DISCO office will conduct an initial review to analyse the location and further requirements within the next 20 days.
If there is strong technical infeasibility, the distribution office shall return the application with written communication stating the reason to not entering the agreement in the next few days. Otherwise, the office shall enter into an agreement. The tenure is normally a period of ten days. However, it may be possible to take some more.
Licence Issuance
Within the next few days, the disco or distribution office will forward the application to the NEPRA office for further procedures to issue the licence.
As soon as the NEPRA office issues the licence, DISCO office proceeds further. If the office needs any modifications, they will demand the Connection Charge Estimate (CCE) from the DISCO for the proposed interconnection facility up to the interconnection point, including meter installation. For applications for which no upgradation/ modification is required, no CCE will be issued.
In the next few days, the applicant will be required to make payment to the designated bank account and notify the disco office of the same.
Meter Installation
Within the proceeding days, the DISCO office will install and commission the proposed interconnection facility (two-way meter) after the confirmation of the generation license to the DG by NEPRA. More details are available here on the official NEPRA resources.
Net Meter is a device enabling solar systems to spin their own meters into reverse. In this way, the excessive units of electricity generated by the home solar panels are transmitted to the grid. This happens after sunset when the sun is not shining bright.
As a result of this trade, the home consumers pay the bill, which remains back after netting off the units transferred to the grid with the consumed ones.
Benefits of Net Metering
After obtaining the net metering in home solar systems, home users will have the following advantages.
Generate your Own Electricity & Bills
With a net-metered residential solar system, you can generate your own electricity. Furthermore, you can balance out your monthly electricity bills, which are payable to the national utility providers. You can efficiently regulate your electricity and bills together with net-metered home solar at home.
Less Cost & More Benefits
The net metering could be seen as an additional pain or burden on the pocket. But it is a low-cost installation if you consider the long-term advantages you will receive in the coming years.
20-40 Ratio of Utilisation
After you install a home solar setup that is fully aligned and compliant to the net metering, you will trade of around 20% to 40% of your solar-generated electricity to the national grid, which could be lost and result in no productive output if solar power system has no net-metering facilitation installed.
Therefore, it is an efficient way to get the most out of your solar setup at your home.
Sell or Trade
With Net-metering, the home solar owner does have a choice whether to sell the excess electricity to the grid to adjust your consumption with production. However, the rates of buying could be different. A piece of expert advice is always the only way to clear confusion and to draft accurate information.
Reasons to Consider Zero Carbon
Zero Carbon is a customised solar solution provider to residential consumers. In addition, another clientele is also addressed. For instance, we also deal in commercial, industrial, and Agri-based models.
However, you can trust us for home solar systems because we are certified solar solution providers. We offer our home solar solutions after carefully analysing the needs and budgets of our customers.
Moreover, our experts are available to provide professional assistance from evaluation and site audit to get permission to install solar systems, and the net-metering agreement is fully operational setup. Moreover, we also provide reliable after-sale service to our clients.
If you are looking for discussions, advice, or estimations to install solar systems at your home, feel free to contact us via the online form fill up. Our representative will get back to you. It is high time to avail the pros of installing a home solar system with net metering in Pakistan.