Solar system for 1 ton inverter ac

Solar system for 1 ton inverter ac is a query that is quite confusing sometimes for the people of Pakistan. But today you are going to get the answers of your queries. We should know the importance of solar energy electricity when we have heavy electric devices at home. We earn and work hard to make our lives comfortable. Ac or air conditioner is quite necessary for our lives and homes because Pakistani weather is really hot in the months of March to Sep.

However, the cost of electricity bill is quite high in our country. If we keep Ac on for 8-12 hours then a big amount every month we need to pay as electricity bill. That’s the reason most of the people are not able to avail and enjoy this facility at their homes. Although a lot of people have purchasing power for AC but they do not want to spend extra money for utility bills.

Another problem is the electricity load shedding forces us to think why did we buy air conditioner? When there is high temperature and you need ac cooling but there is no electricity at home. And by chance, you see guests’ arrival at home. Can you imagine the feelings at that time?

Alternate solution for electricity bills

So, to cope with all these issues we need a permanent solution. We need alternative solution of electricity. We need a solution that can let us enjoy the cold atmosphere at home. We need a system that can run our electrical devices at home without paying high amount of bills every month.

Can Solar energy be sufficient for all these problems? Can solar energy produce enough electricity for air conditioner? Can we arrange solar energy panel easily without doing huge investments? Can we consider solar energy panels’ investment as a long term investment? Should we avail this opportunity from local companies or we should contact foreign companies? Is it legal to produce electricity at homes with solar power? You will get proper information in this article.

Can inverter ac run on solar power?

So, these are important questions that you may think about. Now you may have wish to use Solar system for 1 ton inverter ac but you do not know, can inverter ac run on solar power? Yes, you can run inverter on solar power. However, you need to see what would be the capacity of your solar energy panel as well as inverter.

Air pollution is increasing plus global warming is also increasing day by day. We need air conditioner to decrease the effects of high temperature. Nowadays, schools, colleges, universities, offices and clinics are placing the inverters.

Off-grid & on-grid solar system

There are two type of solar systems you can say they are on grid and off grid solar systems. In off grid solar system, you see following things

  1. Inverters
  2. Batteries
  3. Solar panels etc.

Without grid support it can help the devices to run effectively. You should note that Solar system for 1 ton inverter ac will not be an expensive option. Inverter unit does not start with full capacity in starting minutes as we see in case of standard air conditioner. However, solar energy power can control the working and capacity of inverter very well. Although the temperature of room would vary as per weather conditions but solar system matches up with the frequency to control the capacity and working of 1-ton inverter.

Solar system for 1 ton inverter ac features:

Following features can be seen when you install solar system for 1 ton inverter.

  • Overload protection
  • Short circuit complete safety
  • Deep discharge system
  • It is multifunction display system
  • Up to 10A-20A Charging current

These are some salient qualities which you are going to see for the installation of solar system for 1-ton inverter. In this system you may see battery reverse protection facility which is normally installed on the board. Every month you will be able to save the cost. It’s the advancement in technology that you are getting the benefits in 2020. In the past using solar energy panels for electricity was not a cheap practice.

Now technology has made it possible that a common business owner or house owner can avail the opportunity. The function of converting electricity from sun light is quite popular nowadays. Few companies are working in Pakistan with great credibility.

Loads not applicable for rated Power 1000W:

Inductive loads (tools equipped with motor, compressor) such as fans, dust cleaners, sinking pumps Power more than about 350 W will apply, because this item is a modified sine wave inverter.

It looks like a low-power inductive charge like an 80W-Car refrigerator, 80w aquarium pump-would do, but you shouldn’t use it for a long time.


Please make sure the Power value is higher than the power tool you want to apply.

If you want to run inductive charges for a long time, it is advisable to buy a pure sine wave inverter.

You should keep in mind some valuable tips if you want to save more and in case you have decided to buy solar system for 1 ton inverter ac.


A typical home can cut 25% to 58% energy use through simple weather checks and from energy saving tool.

Timing switch checkup:

A switch attached to a timer directs the power from the solar panels to the battery or to the network. During peak hours’ noon to 2pm. When electricity is most expensive, homes can run battery for the production of electricity. Basically it depends on our habits like how do we control energy consumptions? How do we manage our electric gadgets at home?

If we have installed small energy panel, then we should be careful to use inverter ac. Because there is a refrigeration at home, electric dispenser as well as washing machines. If you want to run all these machines on solar energy panel then discuss all your needs with the Zero carbon’s experts. They will let you know which module or how much capacity will be enough for your home.

Once you take decision to install solar energy panel for your all home needs or office needs then it must be enough to supply electricity. We have heard some customers’ complaints that solar panel was working perfectly in the start.

But after 3-4 months the performance level became poor. It is usually not the natural fact about quality solar energy panel. We should know some companies just focus on earing profit. They do not take care of the quality of products.

That’s why solar panels start creating problems within the 6 months’ period where the companies have no history of repute. Everybody knows the quality level which Punjab group of colleges have. They produce best results in the region in education department.

Now, they have started to serve the nation to meet energy needs. The name of company or group is a guarantee of superior quality. It is always better to buy stuff from a known dealer or supplier. No need to try a new company which has no background. Because you are going to do investment and you need a guarantee plus quality work that’s why you can rely on Zero Carbon.

Battery Quality:

While it is not essential for networked systems, however battery storage allows more flexibility for running the network.

Use of Smart meter:

Commercial electricity timers show varying electricity prices, so the owner can use less and sell more during peak hours. Yes, when you produce extra electricity then you can sell as well. If we take a serious look on all the picture, then we will have knowledge that at one side we are doing arrangements to meet energy needs and on other side we can have business too.

Electric cars:

In the next year, this power system could include plug-in hybrid vehicles. Car battery can serve as additional backup storage for the home and grid.

You can Explore following resources to reduce electricity usage:

Following helping methods can assist you to save electricity needs for sure. These are not very hard but these may have strong impacts.

Conduct Home energy audits:

A home energy audit can help you understand where your home is losing energy and what steps should be taken to improve the efficiency of your home.

Type of Equipment and electronics:

Use your equipment and electronics more efficiently, or consider investing on a very efficient product. Before buying the gadget you should know the energy needs. For example, you buy 1 ton inverter ac from a company then you should understand and check the electricity it needs to run smoothly.

Some machines require heavy load and some inverters need less load. If your panel is sufficient to meet needs for 1 ton ac inverter then you can expect 15-30 years relaxation. But also make sure your other home items must be compatible and they should have optimal energy requirements.

Smart technology has made it possible to reduce the cost of electricity.

Use of Lighting:

Switch to energy-efficient lighting, such as LED light bulbs. When you try to reduce the burden of overall energy requirements from home then your 1 ton inverter ac will give you no issue or problem. Whether you want to run inverter for 8 hours or 15 hours you should have no sign of worry for it.

Heating and cooling:

If you use electricity to heat and cool your home, your heating and cooling needs will significantly affect the amount of solar energy you need. Leveling out your home, heating and cooling will efficiently reduce the amount of electricity you need to produce with solar panels.  It means we need to check, which things are extra at our homes? Why do we need all electric devices at home?

Managing this stuff will help you to turn your dream of using solar system for 1 ton inverter ac without spending a lot into reality. Price for solar system 1 ton ac inverter is also at your reach.

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